

For the past couple of years our Cyberflyer members have been participating in Retreats—Ours is virtual/online.

Pictures of some of the projects are shown and some do have the techniques in .pdf form linked also.  We really have fun sharing and seeing what members are up to..

We are just now utilizing Facebook Rooms and Zoom too. Change is always happening!


If you are a CDT and want to join in on our FUN, just email one of our Chapter Officers for more info and details!

On Saturday, October 11, 2014 the IADCCT Fired Arts Cyberflyers chapter, hosted their inaugural Ceramic Cyber-Retreat. The goal was to help those in remote areas, to have access to ceramics education, and to also give our members another avenue to education.


We were very fortunate to have three of our industries well know instructors, Michael Harbridge, David Hoff and Arlene Smith, who gave graciously of their time to help with the event. They also put together kits for their sessions that could be purchased by the participants if they choose.  These kits were very beneficial to those who did not have access to a ceramic studio or distributor in their area, we had several folks who purchases kits, especially the clay puzzling and incised tiles.


The webinar stared in Wisconsin with Michael Harbridge, he showed as easy way to create perfect mugs using inexpensive puzzling molds, moist clay and many products you already have to make patterns and textures. As Mike said this is the perfect project for beginners or experienced clay artistes of all ages.  Mike showed us all the steps, tips and tricks.


In our second session we joined David Hoff in Fresno, California.  He demonstrated how easy it is to work with incised tiles and fired finishes.  The incised patterns make it easy for anyone to create beautiful colors and consistent designs.  He also showed options for grouting and antiquing!  The possibilities are endless and easy!


The webinar concluded in San Tan Valley, Arizona with Arlene Smith showing how to create designs with perfect circles and squares. She packed her time full to tips on mixing colors, working with light colors over a black/dark background and so much more.


We also want to thank Jackie Cessna, and the wonderful staff at I Fired Arts and Ceramics Arts; Brian, Scott, and Wendy. Without their support this would not have been possible. Jackie is also a member of our Fired Arts Cyberflyers Chapter.


For our very first cyber-retreat event, we were pleased with the outcome. We reached several folks who under normal circumstances would not have had access to ceramic education. We also had non-IADCCT members who were interested in finding out how to become a member. Here’s the breakdown:


IADCCT Members                       21

Non Members                              10

TOTAL PARTICIPANTS              31


Of the 10 non-members, 4 wanted information on how to become members; they were from Can- ada, California, Nevada and Texas.  Each one received information on how to become a IADCCT member.


Following the IADCCT guidelines for a Retreat, in order for our members to receive IADCCT Educational Showcase Credit they must participant in sharing a tip or technique; of those member attendees12 participated in shareware. Their share techniques/information was sent to our retreat coordinator who complied it into a small size .pdf file which was part of the information given to each attendee.


We are hoping in the future, if we do this again, that those who attended our inaugural event will spread the word to enable us to have more in attendance in the future. :)

CYBERLYERS 2014 Webinar Report


Regional Education Program

Our Cyberflyer Regional took place in May 2018.  Please use this link to read all about this FUN Regional!